Almost there
Of Trying Times, Zestro Leow
100% soy wax candle, ceramic dish, bioresin, metal findings
Mood shots by Of Trying Times, pendant shots by Amado Gudek
September 2016
Almost There is a three-part homeware assembly kit made in collaboration with Of Trying Times, Singaporean ceramist, Zestro Leow and resin jewellery maker, Amado Gudek.
Enclosed in each kit is an interactive set of candle and dish component as well as a brooch that bears a wearable moment of this experience.
“The passage of time is punctuated by an assortment of colourful experiences, and we are but an agreeable marriage of all that has come to be.”
Through a simple cut, the candle is combined with the dish and becomes a ritual; an experiential re-imagination of how we became who we are, and an illustration of time catching up on us.
Starting out as blank slates exposed to the fears of growing older, we allow ourselves to transform towards the finality of adolescence.
As we get older, we often think about the experiences of our pastimes in times past and we dwell on the nostalgia of bygones. Perhaps adulthood – all of it – is merely a reinterpretation of youth; time shapes us to become Version Two’s of ourselves.
Envisioned in collaboration with Zestro Leow (Ceramic Dish) & Amado Gudek (Brooch), the way this project unfolded breathed life into the key message – “everything that comes along in life will leave its mark in the future”.
The collection is available at Of Trying Times.
Samples from our experiments